Two 〈Foo〉s Walk into a 〈Bar〉: Featuring the Highest Angle Bracket–to–Word Ratio Among Site Titles

Five Years of A Million Little Pieces

Today marks the fifth anniversary of the release of James Frey's A Million Little Pieces, and if you've been keeping up with the latest in intentionally‐miscategoried‐fiction news, you know that authors haven't learned their lesson: "Fabricating events in a memoir can have serious consequences," such as publicity and continuing employment.

But most important of all, authors haven't learned stop giving their fake memoirs the most the most easily twisted titles in recent memory:

When more than 2% of references to your book call you a liar by putting the same twist on your title, and when all that twist requires is replacing one of your words with the word lies, you're doing something wrong.

Being a man of action, I am doing my part to improve the situation with the publication of my new fake memoir, I'm a Leaking Friar. It features a completely unspoofable title and the compelling story of a man whose prostate problems drive him to isolation in a monastery. Watch for it this fall.

Six Years of A Million Little Pieces

In honor of the sixth anniversary, I present some specific advice for titling fake memoirs:

In addition to titles that refer to frequency/large numbers or consequences (seen here), I recommend avoiding titles that refer to size (=> big lies, whoppers), beds and sleep (=> lying), and whether one's pants are currently on fire (obvious). (Loyal readers will recognize that all these topics also appear in my full‐length entry into the advice business, How to Avoid Setting Up "That's What She Said" Jokes.)